It's September 1, and summer is nearly over. I can't remember a summer like it for the sheer sapping of time and energy. A lot of the time was spent on learning new things.
I have a new job, one that I am very excited about, teaching high school American Studies and journalism at a school where I truly want to work. The principal has a vision of working for kids that I truly share--as long as my energy holds out. My job will require a great deal of my time. We are on deadline six days per month, and it will require some late evenings. I haven't ever taught in a traditional high school, and this one is unique in its asymmetrical scheduling. It's all very exciting, a little intimidating, and frightening at the same time.
My father in law has been sick, and in the hospital since July 13. It's taken a lot of our time as we worry over his recovery, make visits, and stress over his health or lack thereof. His near death in late July was almost more than the family could bear. His lack of progress is both heart-rending and irritating because we just can't move on.
I've also been gone a lot this summer. Delayed by my father in law's illness we went with niece Beth Anne to Victoria for five days. It was wonderful, I simply love that city. We did some shopping, relaxed in a great room overlooking Fisherman's Wharf, and went hiking on the Sooke Peninsula. The day after I returned, I headed off to eight days of journalism conference in Ellensburg. It was enjoyable, and I learned a lot, but it was also exhausting, and I was all in by the time I got home on August 4th.
Needless to say lots of great gaming time was lost to these competing activities. Few games played, and not even much time for painting. I did attend Dragonflight August 10-11. Enjoyed it too. Mark and I ran two big Space 1889 games which were well received. I also managed to sneak in a couple of DBA games today with Al Rivers, which were quite fun. Otherwise, game times have been scarce. I am hosting the Museum of Flight get together on September 29th, but the rest of the weekends this month are filled with other activities. A wedding, a Weyerhaeuser function, and a couple of Mariners games are keeping me busy.
Though I've had less time for painting than I'd like, I've settled in for some genuine progress the last few weeks. I've finished a couple units of Royal Marines for Space 1889, as well as some mounted troops. They look good. Next up will be some Sepoys manning a pair of Hotchkiss revolving cannon. I also finished the 7th Regt. (Royal Fusiliers) at Cowpens. These are Perry figures, and I struggled a little bit to pick out their facial features adequately, but I still enjoyed painting them. Most importantly, they are finished. I'll likely work between the two projects-AWI and Space 1889-through the rest of the year.
Hopefully, as I settle in to my new position at Emerald Ridge, and get used to life as a high school guy, life won't be quite so troubling.
A Few More Warlord Games Landsknechts
Besides the officer in full plate armor, the rest of the figures are from a
Wargames Illustrated free sprue my buddy gave me a while ago. One has been
1 day ago