It's a tough battle to game, and the mechanisms have to be right or the militia simply gets run over and the small force of Continentals is overwhelmed. It's a game I hosted at Enfilade a couple of years ago and the game turned out pretty historically, with the Brits taking some damage when confronting the line of militia, and the British Legion foot being rocked by a blast from the Continentals. Failed charges by the British cavalry resulted in an envelopment of the British left and the end of the game.
All the units are painted and the unit strengths are based on those in Greg Novak's American War of Independence: Book Two the Southern Campaigns.
British Order of Battle
17th Light Dragoons 6 figures (3 stands)
British Legion Light Dragoons 24 figures (3 troops of 4 stands)
British Legion Infantry 24 figures (6 stands)
Light Infantry Battalion 16 figures (4 stands)
7th Foot 20 figures (5 stands)
1st Batt. 71st Foot 24 figures (6 stands)
American Order of Battle
Maryland/Delaware Light Infantry Battalion 36 figures (9 stands) 3rd Line
Virginia/South Carolina State troops 12 figures (3 stands) 3rd Line
Triplett's Virginia Militia 16 figures (4 stands) 3rd Line
1st and 3rd Continental Light Dragoons 8 figures (4 stands) Cavalry Reserve
Virginia/North Carolina Light Horse 4 figures (2 stands) Cavalry Reserve
McCalls Carolina/Georgia Light Horse/Volunteer Light Horse 8 figures (4 stands) Cavalry Reserve
Roebuck's Spartanburg militia 12 figures (3 stands)
Thomas's Spartanburg militia 16 figures (4 stands)
Hayes' Little River militia 20 figures (5 stands)
McDowell's North Carolina militia 24 figures (6 stands)