Today is the January 1st, and it's time to look back as well as take a look ahead. It's been an odd year. Some good, some not so good.
I took on a new project in 2009--my Lewis and Clark project. I enjoyed painting the figures and running the game. There was a great play-test process that was at times disappointing, but in my final runs of the game, I really enjoyed it. I do think it requires some patience on the part of the players, but, heck, it's based on my vision, not theirs. This project is complete.
After Enfilade I really invested my time in three areas: 100 Years War, American Revolution in the south, and the Spanish Civil War. As I've stated before, HYW is the goofiest of the lot with two separate projects with two separate mountings. Both the singly and multiple mounted projects will be fun. The latter is for use with more serious rules systems, and it's unlikely I'll be ready to play Crusader Rules or Medieval Warfare for some time. My goal, as I've stated before is to play Poitiers. Chris Craft also has figures mounted for these rules systems. I still have many figures to paint for both mountings, so I should be painting for some time.
I've established the goals, and more importantly the limits for my AWI project. I have in mind five battles-Cowpens, Weitzels Mill, Guilford Courthouse, Hobkirk's Hill, and Eutaw Springs. Many of the units on both sides make into more than one battle, so there is a lot of duplication, it's just getting those units painted. I have a lot of the figures to paint up these troops, though some of the battles, such as Guilford are just much larger than what I have at 1:10. One of my big problems is rules. I am likely going to use British Grenadier which allow me to keep my present mountings, hahahahaha. I laugh because I'm in the process of remounting my AWI back to 40mm square bases. I like the use of disorder points in these rules-they remind me of Loose Files-but seem to have a bit more oomph to them. I don't own them, and they will be my first purchase of the new year. I've added figures on both sides this year. Tory units-the Volunteers of Ireland, South Carolina Loyalists, the 63rd Regiment, and a small unit of North Carolina Continentals. I have many unpainted figures for this period, and I expect to continue adding units throughout the year.
In August I hosted a Spanish Civil War game using my 15mm figures and Dick Larsen's Non Pasaran rules. The game went well and it sparked an interest in painting the figures I had. I picked up a few more Peter Pig figures and added some Italians from the Flames of War collection. I'm priming up a couple of battalions as we speak, and will doubtless add at least four more units during the coming year. I'd like to scratch-build some entrenchments to go with them, but the most important thing I need to do is play some games with them.
Last year I painted just over 480 figures. Mostly 25's. My focus will be these three periods, though I suppose some other goodies could sneak into my painting queue. I don't envision many purchases, though I would like to add to my collection of WWII Action Stations vessels. When I finish my smallish collection of SCW figures, I'll choose another batch of 15mm stuff to work on. I have some DBA armies to paint, my 1688 Jacobite Rebellion project still awaits my attention, and I have a whole pile of 15mm fantasy figures to work on. My big hope is that I actually play more games than I have the last year or so. I need the fun in my life. I miss my friends.
Perry HYW Longbowmen - WIP
Minwax stained these figures from the English Army 1415-1429 box. There
are also 12 fully armored men at arms in the set which I may use for early
Wars ...
9 hours ago
"Last year I painted just over 480 figures. Mostly 25's." You, Sir, are a painting machine - now I need to police my jaw off the floor. Best wishes for 2010! Dean
Hah, you are too kind. Each week I check your blog and you've finished some new museum-quality unit. You are the machine.
If I paint 480 figures in my lifetime, I will crap my pants for joy. I envy you your prolificalnesstude.
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