This is the end of a fairly crappy week. I am an insomniac. I've been tending in this direction for a number of years now, and this year, with all the stress of my new job, it's really become a problem. On those days when I come home after 4 1/2 hours of sleep, it is very difficult to get much painting done, and a lot easier to just read or watch tv (though I am quite selective about the latter.) I think I've found a routine that will still let me get an hour of painting time per night, and 7-7 1/2 hours sleep too.
However, today is Valentine's Day, and Lorri bought me a 32" HDTV for my den. I spent most of last night getting it set up to accept my DVD player, so not much more than five minutes or so laboring over British Legion Dragoons. I'll be so glad when they are done. The television is great, will help me see movies and Mariners games better. I also get to see some of those wonderful digital channels. Anyway, it looks like the den is getting a bit more upscale, and I need to clean it up a bit more. Unfortunately, my own contribution to Valentine's Day doesn't look like much--a copy of The Jane Austin Book Club, and a couple of Jim Brickman (ick) CD's.
Tomorrow is the first day of ConQuest. I spent last night puttering around, getting stuff ready to go. I printed the cards for Thunderboats, and they came out great. I just used Office Depot two sided business cards as Daveshoe suggested, and it was as easy as pie. I also printed out the boat cards for the game, with plans to laminate them. Unfortunately the laminate I purchased was the self sticky kind, not the laminating pouches I thought I was getting. I ran out this morning to pick those up. I'll have to try again tonight.
I have four different games I'm running which means a challenge to my ever fragile memory. Thunderboats Friday night, Action Stations Saturday morning, plus I need my DBA army for the Open Tournament, just in case. Sunday morning its Sky Galleons, and Martians in the afternoon. I hope to get out of Dodge early on Sunday night after the banquet. Thank goodness I have Monday off. I'm truly not looking forward to this. I'm exhausted, and could use the time to relax, but I volunteered and nobody was twisting my arm. It's likely my last year as miniatures coordinator however. There simply has not been the enthusiasm for the con among the miniaturists this year, and I simply don't wish to be the guy who is swimming upstream against the tide.
Perry HYW Longbowmen - WIP
Minwax stained these figures from the English Army 1415-1429 box. There
are also 12 fully armored men at arms in the set which I may use for early
Wars ...
9 hours ago
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